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Volunteer Opportunities

Note: This is NOT a list of ALL opportunities open for volunteering. You are welcome and encouraged to find your own volunteering organizations.  This page just lists current STEM focused areas in need of volunteers

Addison Elementary STEM Night

When: March 24, 2022

Help lead the Addison families through a fun night of in-person STEM Activities

Addison Elementary STEM Sprouts Program

When: (ongoing) First event March 10th 3:45-4:45 at Addison Elementary

Come out to support the start up of a new STEM initiative between Sprayberry and Addison Elementary. First kick off event is March 10th. 5th grade students will be in attendance to participate in a Sphero activity. So, if you know a little, a lot, or nothing at all about Spheros… we need you! Meet at the front door at Addison at 3:45. Your responsibilities will include working with a small group of students to assist in the programming of a Sphero robot (see sign-up genius for more information) 

Sphero robot

Sprayberry Recycling day

When: April 30, 2022

Stay Tuned for information!

STEM rooms clean up

When: March 14, 17, 21, 25

3:30-4:30pm Dr. Oldham Room 405

We need students to help clean up and organize Dr.Oldham's storage room and the storage room in the 400 hall. This means going through items to see what works/what doesn't, organizing the space/furniture, cleaning the space, making piles of things that can be donated, recycled, or disposed of and overall making the spaces usable and set up for maximum efficiency.

a picture of students cleaning up

Sprayberry Craft Show! 

When: November 19 and 20, 2022


Sprayberry Craft Show

Shop with a Yellow Jacket:



Sway J
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